Justice fees are sentencing millions of families to a lifetime of debt.

Justice fees are hidden taxes that governments charge at multiple points of interaction with the criminal justice system, regardless of your guilt or innocence. These fees are attached to minor traffic tickets, ‘free’ public defenders, and even emergency medical care when you’re in jail. Their sole purpose is to raise revenue for governments.

If you can’t afford to pay these fees, you risk license suspension, arrest, and jail. People living paycheck-to-paycheck and communities of color are disproportionately impacted by fees, but anyone who misses just one payment can be trapped in a cycle of debt and punishment.

End Justice Fees is the first national campaign dedicated to ending fees in the justice system and putting money back in the pockets of working families.

Learn more about the campaign
Is your state or municipality imposing justice fees?

Explore our national fee survey maps to see which states have authorized supervision fees, electronic monitoring fees, warrant fees and more. You’ll also see examples of how fees are being charged at the state and local level.

See where your state stands
Dozens of states and localities are driving fee elimination reform

Across the nation multiple states and localities are choosing to end justice system fees and eliminate their associated debt. View our reform map and legislation list to read more about recently passed reforms and pending legislation.

View reform map

Are you ready to start thinking about fee reform in your community? Do you want to learn more about the problem of fees across the nation? Visit our resources page.

News & Commentary
Turning the Tide: How Delaware Led on Fines and Fees Reform

In a recent panel, advocates, people impacted by unjust fines and fees and policymakers reflected on Delaware’s impressive progress in alleviating the financial burdens of criminal legal system fines and fees – and exploring what work remains.

Read Full Article

Are you or your organization interested in joining the coalition to end fees in the justice system? Get in touch.

End Justice Fees